Busines consulting company focusing on global trade, commerce and investment established in 2012

security trade control

Security Trade Control do not only apply to “product exports”

Products are not the only exports that require notification permission from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.Technical guidance to engineers, delivery of information on paper or electronic recording media, and provision of working knowledge at seminars, joint research, etc. may also require a permit,The provision of working knowledge at seminars, joint research, etc., may also require a permit.Violations may result in significant penalties.It is recommended that you proceed with your obligation to establish professional consulting, compliance, and internal controls.We recommend that you proceed with your compliance and internal control obligations.If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.⇒

The regulations are strictly enforced weapons diversion, export and re-export of advanced materials, technologies and programs, etc…

US Re-export Control is Tightening.① EAR Compliance ② ECCN Classification ③ Customer Screening⇒ Then, you can determine requirement of export license or license exceptionViolation may result fines, imprisonment, and/or trading restriction of US goods. Organize reliable exporting system → Security Trade ControlClassification of export items, Customer screening, Staff training Contact ⇒