Busines consulting company focusing on global trade, commerce and investment established in 2012

qualified invoice system

 Introduction of the invoice system: part 2

The EU-like ‘invoice’ system will be introduced from October 2023. In principle, an application for registration as a qualified invoicing business was to be submitted to the tax office by the end of March 2023 to obtain a registration number. However, the introduction of the invoicing system has not yet fully penetrated the public. The Government has decided to extend the deadline for the registration application form until the end of September 2023. The consumption tax rate in Japan is 10%, but a reduced rate of 8% applies to ‘food and beverages excluding alcoholic beverages and restaurant food’ and ‘newspapers published at least twice a week for which a subscription agreement has been concluded’. Simply importing goods into Japan from abroad is represented as the invoice by an import permit. 1. if a foreign business operator conducts transactions in Japan and wishes to deduct Input VAT (=Input Consumption Tax) in its accounting books, he/she takes the following ways. 1) Taxpayer that are already for consumption tax in Japan By the end of September 2023, submit an ‘Application for Registration as a Qualified Invoicing Business’ to the tax office and obtain a registration number; from October onwards, issue an invoice with […]

Need registration as a ‘Qualified Invoice System’ till March 2023.

From October 2023, the invoice system for consumption tax will be introduced in Japan. 1.Registration as a ‘Qualified Invoice System’ for existing taxable enterprises (obtaining a VAT number)In order to deduct Input VAT, you have to register as a ‘Qualified Invoice System’; the deadline is the end of 2023/3. Non-resident Japanese individual enterprises and corporations wishing to deduct Input VAT must register. If a non-taxable enterprise registers, it can deduct Input VAT but must file a consumption tax return. Contact ⇒